Zheng Gong
Ph.D. Student
State Key Laboratory of Extreme Photonics and Instrumentation, Zhejiang University
Direct-PhD. Student, Zhejiang University (advisors: Prof.
Xiao Lin
and Prof.
Hongsheng Chen
Undergraduate, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Outstanding graduates, Top 1%, Beijing, 2022)
Senior high school student, Jiangxi Linchuan No.1 Middle School
Research Interests
Free-electron nanophotonics:
Cherenkov radiation, transition radiation
Electromagnetic wave theory:
light-matter interactions in photonic (time) crystals, metamaterials and random media
Integrated photonic devices:
light sources, particle detectors, frequency combs
Deep learning in electromagnetics:
inverse design of metamaterials
Selected first-authored publications
(#Contributed Equally; *Corresponding author)
Free-electron resonance transition radiation via Brewster randomness
Zheng Gong
, Ruoxi Chen, Zun Wang, Xiangfeng Xi, Yi Yang, Baile Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen*, Ido Kaminer, and Xiao Lin*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA
Interfacial Cherenkov radiation from ultralow-energy electrons
Zheng Gong
, Jialin Chen, Ruoxi Chen, Xingjian Zhu, Chan Wang, Xinyan Zhang, Hao Hu, Yi Yang, Baile Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen*, Ido Kaminer, and Xiao Lin*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA
Photonic and plasmonic transition radiation from optically pumped bilayer graphene with gain
Zheng Gong
, Hongxin Zhang*, and Xiao Lin*
Excellent bachelor's thesis of Beijing (Top 1%)
Under review
Ultra-directional transition radiation from deep-subwavelength epsilon-near-zero metamaterials
Zun Wang#,
Zheng Gong#
, Ruoxi Chen, Xiangfeng Xi, Jialin Chen, Yi Yang, Hongsheng Chen*, Erping Li, Ido Kaminer*, and Xiao Lin*
Under review
Under review
Anomalous Maxwell-Garnett theory for photonic time crystals
Zheng Gong
, Ruoxi Chen, Hongsheng Chen*, and Xiao Lin*
Under review
Under preparation
Achromatic interfacial Cherenkov radiation
Xiangfeng Xi#,
Zheng Gong#
, Hongsheng Chen*, and Xiao Lin*
Under preparation
[Feb., 2025]
My paper on electron-light-random media interactions is
published on PNAS
[April, 2024]
I gave an oral talk on
PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2024
[Aug., 2023]
My paper on interfacial Cherenkov radiation from ultralow-energy electrons is
published on PNAS
[Spring, 2023]
I served as a Teaching Assistant for the electromagnetic wave theory class for sophomore students
[Jan., 2022]
I joined
Maxwell Running Group
orginized by Prof. Xiao Lin
Graduate with Merit A Performance, Zhejiang University,2023
Award of Honor for Graduate, Zhejiang University,2023
Excellent bachelor's thesis of Beijing (Top 1% among all graduates of Beijing), 2022
Outstanding graduates of Beijing (Top 1%), 2022
Excellent graduates of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Top 3%), 2022
First-class scholarship of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Top 3%), 2021
First-class scholarship of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Top 3%), 2020
First-class scholarship of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Top 3%), 2019
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