
Zheng Gong

Ph.D. Student
State Key Laboratory of Extreme Photonics and Instrumentation, Zhejiang University


Research Interests

Selected first-authored publications

(#Contributed Equally; *Corresponding author)

  1. PNAS
    Zheng Gong, Ruoxi Chen, Zun Wang, Xiangfeng Xi, Yi Yang, Baile Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen*, Ido Kaminer, and Xiao Lin*
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA

  2. PNAS
    Zheng Gong, Jialin Chen, Ruoxi Chen, Xingjian Zhu, Chan Wang, Xinyan Zhang, Hao Hu, Yi Yang, Baile Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen*, Ido Kaminer, and Xiao Lin*
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA

  3. Thesis
    Zheng Gong, Hongxin Zhang*, and Xiao Lin*
    Excellent bachelor's thesis of Beijing (Top 1%)

  4. Under review
    Zun Wang#, Zheng Gong#, Ruoxi Chen, Xiangfeng Xi, Jialin Chen, Yi Yang, Hongsheng Chen*, Erping Li, Ido Kaminer*, and Xiao Lin*
    Under review

  5. Under review
    Zheng Gong, Ruoxi Chen, Hongsheng Chen*, and Xiao Lin*
    Under review

  6. Under preparation
    Xiangfeng Xi#, Zheng Gong#, Hongsheng Chen*, and Xiao Lin*
    Under preparation





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